This time, the author has select Pokemon White to be his hacking base. Pokemon Lightning White Pokemon Lightning White is a new Pokemon White hack.By modifying, editing, adjusting… or whatever he does, the author of this hack has transformed the best Posted in NDS ROM Hacks Pokemon White Deluxe Pokemon White Deluxe is another Pokemon White based game and available to play.This time, the Spanish hackers will tell us the story of Platinum in their own ways, with more things added. Pokemon Platinum Plus Pokemon Platinum Plus is a Spanish hack of Pokemon Platinum.Markitus95 – Spiky tried to change many things to make the game better for Pokemon Posted in NDS ROM Hacks In this game you will travel through 2 regions.

Pokemon Dark Diamond Pokemon Dark Diamond is a hack of Pokemon Diamond.Ever wanted to know what Pokemon Diamond could have been like in an Posted in NDS ROM Hacks It is not like the others, but much more different.

rubi tried to change many things to make the game better for Pokemon players like you and me. Pokemon Rubi Magma Pokemon Rubi Magma is a Pokemon Diamond fanmade game.The main difference between this and the original game is the text. PokeJoke DS – A Parody of Pokemon PokeJoke DS - A Parody of Pokemon is a parody of Pokemon games.From this point, your journey has officially Posted in NDS ROM Hacks At first, it has been developed in Spanish. Pokemon Diamante: Desafio Sinnoh Pokemon Diamante: Desafio Sinnoh is a Pokemon Diamond fanmade game with a lot of new features.An author from gbatemp has created this one. Pokemon Weird Pokemon Weird is a Pokemon game which was made by using Pokemon Diamond codebase.